Business Owner and Separating?

woman working at desk

Separation involves equalizing and dividing property that you and your spouse have accumulated during your marriage. If you own a business or partnership interest, one of your priorities will no doubt be to preserve the business and to be as tax efficient as possible.

One of the initial tasks is to determine the value of the business for the purposes of equalization, and perhaps the income of the business owner for the purposes of resolving support issues.

In most cases, a business valuator will be retained to determine the value of the business. In a collaborative process or mediation the business valuator is jointly chosen and retained. The couple decides whether the valuation will be in writing or oral. The mediator or collaborative lawyers will work closely with the business owner’s accountant, corporate lawyer and wealth management advisor to ensure the most cost-effective sharing of information and to make sure the settlement takes into account all important aspects of your life and your goals.

I have strong working relationships with collaboratively trained business valuators, skilled accountants, financial advisors and corporate lawyers to provide reliable information. I have a known capacity to negotiate creative, tax efficient settlements that protect your business.


Tips for couples separating after a long relationship


Know your Process Choices for Separating