Like collaborative law, mediation is committed to settling out-of-court. However, as mediators, we don’t act in our capacity as lawyers and don’t represent either person. Instead, we remain as an impartial third party.
It’s an excellent option for those who are comfortable working together with a neutral mediator and are willing to negotiate in a more hands-on manner with their former partner. This includes joint meetings and conversations around all terms of the agreement. It’s typically also the fastest and least expensive option in the right circumstances.
The final separation contract is the same as you’d get with collaborative law—it’s just a different method of getting there. Often, mediators still refer clients to individual lawyers for independent legal advice before signing an agreement.
Our Process
Step 1
Gather intake forms. Individual intake sessions are conducted with each person to get a sense of your family, your needs and how to design the best process.
Step 2
Begin gathering financial information.
Step 3
Initiate joint meetings to discuss agreement terms (usually 1 to 4).
Step 4
Draft an agreement that each person takes to an individual lawyer for final approval.
Benefits of Mediation
We usually resolve cases in under four meetings. The more aligned our clients are on the outcomes, the faster it can be.
Mediation can often take less time than other processes, as long as it’s the right fit. We help determine this during the initial consultation.
Cases in court are a matter of public record, but like the collaborative approach, mediation ensures complete privacy.
We do our best to ensure that both people are satisfied with the final agreements. This might mean thinking beyond the legal system (e.g., splitting assets in a more creative way), and working out something far more bespoke.
Collaborative or Mediation:
which is best for you?
Please take a read here. We would then love to chat with you about it!
No. Since the mediator is hired as a neutral to work impartially with your family, we will help you find a lawyer, should you wish to retain one, to support you.
No. We customize the process to make sure everyone feels informed and safe. Sometimes, this means meeting with you separately.
The goal of mediation is to come to terms of an agreement.