Radically Rethinking Collaboration
This workshop will turn our initial understanding of collaboration on its head and do a deep dive into the reality of conflict.
Borrowing from Adam Kahane's ground-breaking work we will explore why, in so many of our cases with little trust and goodwill, we need to abandon the expectation of a harmonious team, shared interests and values, and getting on the same page. Instead we need to embrace and expect difference, employ both power and love, experiment our way forward, and focus on what we can do rather than why they need to change.
Victoria has presented this groundbreaking workshop with Victoria has presented this groundbreaking workshop with Nancy Cameron, a lawyer, writer and educator, to various groups in Canada and the US.
What you will learn
Understanding complexity theory and how to resolve complex problems, where the outcome is determined by ever-changing, interconnected parts. This involves learning to abandon a roadmap and our attachment to certainty, and instead get comfortable with flexibility and ambiguity as we adopt a step-by-step approach to see what works.
How to balance both power (asserting our own needs) and love (engaging with the other person), maintain relationships and meet our clients’ most important goals.
When and how to use downloading, debating, dialoguing and presencing to communicate more effectively.
Inquire Now
To learn more about Victoria’s availability, pricing and how this workshop can help your community handle tough cases successfully, please contact us.