Rethinking Advocacy
Today over 97% of cases will settle without a trial, regardless of the process. But to achieve wise settlements without undue cost or harm, particularly when there is little trust or goodwill , lawyers need to rethink what it means to be an advocate. They need to develop the mindset and skills for effective settlement advocacy.
What you will learn
This workshop explores the key assumptions underlying traditional advocacy and why they no longer make sense. What do we keep from traditional advocacy and what’s new? How do we adjust our advocacy to the client and the case ? How do we integrate interests, the law and individual concepts of fairness?
We will cover the theory and skills needed to advocate successfully in a process of settlement, even in our toughest cases. We will share how your clients can feel you are “in their corner” AND achieve a settlement acceptable to both sides.
Successful settlement advocacy requires solid partnership with neutrals and other team members. We will explore the synergy of advocacy and neutrality, and strategies for effective teams.
Inquire Now
This workshop can be delivered in person or online. Victoria also offers a 1 ½ hour interactive webinar on this subject. Contact us to learn more.